Featured Offering Categories

Church treasurers may set up as many local offering categories as they wish. However, only 10 may be displayed by default. Any additional offering categories will be available through an "add more" option on the giving page. These 10 categories that are shown by default are known as "featured" categories.

To select which offering categories should be featured,

  1. Go to the treasurer portal for your church
  2. Go to the offering categories tab
  3. Find the category you want to feature and check the box in the "featured" column
  4. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom

What's the difference between "Featured" and "Active?"

Any category that is "active" can be donated to. Check or uncheck boxes in the "active" column to control which categories are available.

Categories that are "featured" must also be "active." Featuring a category just makes it more visible. Categories that are "active" but not "featured" may still receive donations.

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