Who issues my receipt?

Official tax receipts for your donations through AdventistGiving will be issued by the receiving church or conference church. Most churches provide a yearly receipt in January of the following year. However, some churches will provide a receipt each time you donate.

After a successful donation, AdventistGiving generates a confirmation of the donation for your records. You may elect to receive this confirmation by email in the final step of the donation process by checking "Receive a confirmation email?" as noted below.

You can also sign in to your member account at any time to see past donations. To view your previous transactions from a computer, please make sure you are using one of our preferred web browsers: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

  1. Go tohttps://www.AdventistGiving.org.
  2. Sign in to your member account.
  3. Click on "Donation history" on the left under Quick Links.
  4. Expand the offering you want to view.
  5. Click on "Download report" and select a format (PDF, HTML, or CSV) for the report.

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